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  • country:Netherlands
  • style(s):Balkan
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Assahira


L'Chaim is inspired by the traditions of Eastern Europe, presented in a charismatic and energetic manner, on stage or in the streets. By combining klezmer music, Balkan jazz, polka, Iranian and Spanish music, they create a refreshing and dancing mixture. Established in 2006 in Delft in the Netherlands, the group is composed of seven musicians from different backgrounds and different origins: some from the circus, others have jazz backgrounds or classical roots, some come from Spain or Italy!
Finally, L'Chaim is a toast “to life” (the term comes from Hebrew) and diversity, sung in five languages. The most important thing for these musicians is to share a festive spirit with everyone. Their generous shows compel the audience to dance, regardless of time of day.

Format: Musical street performance - Street parade – stage concert
Artistic team: 7 musicians
Standard duration: 1 hour 30 min.