Combo Daguerre

Combo Daguerre
Combo Daguerre by Reuben Radding


Combo Daguerre
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  • country:France
  • region:New York City
  • style(s):Psychedelic, Indie
  • label:Barbes Records
  • type:Band
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:rock band, salsa and latin band
  • artist posted by:Barbes Records

Line up

  • Adele Fournet (Keyboards)
  • Andres Fonseca (Drums, percussion)
  • Dan Martinez (double bass)
  • Felipe Wurst (Guitar)
  • Neil Ochoa (Percussion)
  • Olivier Conan (Vocals, cuatro)


After dealing in mostly Latin tropical styles for over a decade, with the psychedelic cumbia of his band Chicha Libre in particular, Brooklyn based Olivier Conan now leads Combo Daguerre, a group that performs original French tunes with a psychedelic edge and a mostly Latin crew. Its hybrid style is informed by boleros, cumbia, cha chas, 60's rock, French chanson and 1930s surrealism - and its music is filled with joy and darkness, deep grooves and dirges, nostalgia and futurism.

Combo Daguerre could be seen as the francophone heir to Chicha Libre - and like its predecessor, the project owes much to New York city where cultural and linguistic borders are fluid and Pan-Latin influences can be found in every possible musical genre. Its songs, both joyous and serious, deal with exile, misplaced nostalgia and a language adulterated by distance.

With Olivier Conan (Chicha Libre) - cuatro, vocals; Adele Fournet - keyboards and Felipe Wurst - guitar (Banda Chuska/Tipa Tipo); Andres Fonseca - drums; Neil Ochoa (Los Crema Paraiso, Chicha Libre) - percussion and Dan Martinez - bass.