Jorge Nunes
Jorge Nunes


Album "Outro Fado" (Single)
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Line up

  • André Ramos (Classic Guitar)
  • Gustavo Roriz (Bass)
  • Henrique Leitão (Portuguese Guitar)


Born in the outskirts of Lisbon, Jorge Nunes was first born to one of Portugal’s leading voices of fado, Jorge Fernando. His heritage includes Cape Verde from his mother’s side and Lisbon from his father. Music has always been an integral part of his growth, and from a very young age, his true passion.

Jorge Nunes starts appearing in several “casas de fado” and confirms his gift as a new voice for the young generation of Portuguese “Fadistas”.

One day, Celeste Rodrigues, asks his Father:, “Why don’t you create a record?” praising Jorge’s unique timber depth and truthful soul singing.

The result was “Outro Fado” Jorge Nunes’s debut album which includes the participation of his Father, Jorge Fernando, Ângelo Freire, Philip Larsen and Custódio Castelo, all fado legends.