Album Cover


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  • country:Portugal
  • region:England
  • style(s):Jazz, Pop
  • label:Universal Music
  • type:Band, Solo, Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet
  • instrumentation:vocal, visual, string, jazz combo, guitar
  • artist posted by:Blim Records

Line up

  • Cherry (Vocals)


A strong and fierce woman with a sweet and tender voice, chasing her dreams between Lisbon and London, where she currently lives.

Meet Cherry! Her debut album is composed of 13 songs that portray the different ways how women face loneliness in their lives. To each song corresponds a real and independent story of a real woman, and Cherry sets sails on the adventure of bringing all of these different characters to life, telling their individual stories throughout the record.

The first single "Five Knives" is the portrait of a woman that just discovered (in the worst possible way) the power that words might have. In this case, an argument she had with someone who`s very dear to her made utter out 5 words that hurt him… 5 words that metaphorically became 5 deadly knives.

Here begins Cherry`s new journey, and this time around not just a flight to London. This song is already a part of TVI`s soap opera Beijo do Escorpião`s OST.