Chinese Man


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Line up

  • Chinese Man
  • Taiwan MC


After two volumes of "Groove Sessions" CDs released in 2007 and 2009)and an invitation from a car brand to flood TV screens with the track "I've got that Tune", Chinese Man comes back with a new album entitled "Racing with the Sun" which has been out since the 29th of April in Belgium.
13 tracks with many guest appearances including Scratch Bandit Crew, General Elektriks, Taiwan MC, Cyph4, Lush One, Plex Rock, M2MX, Dubyouth,
Kill the DJ, Ex-I ...

With their mix of dusty Hip-Hop, Dub, and forgotten samples, this new opus blends the trio to new sound worlds and invites the listener on a trip to the ghostly Wild West...

The race with the sun is on... the quest for the Zen mind continues

After 2 month of sold out venues and burning festivals in France and Europe, "Chinese Man is Racing with the Sun" tour will continue worldwide in 2012

Huge screens, a charismatic MC and his catchy flow, scratching video, splitscreen and sophisticated light effects, Chinese Man offers this year a brand new show


Chinese Man