Raúl Durán


Vatiftaj Vatireu (Y la abrió y la miró) es la musicalización del versículo del libro del éxodo 2.6 de la Torá
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  • country:Spain
  • region:Andalusia
  • style(s):Flamenco, Jewish
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band, Solo
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal, percussion, guitar
  • artist posted by:Ein Sof Creations LLC

Line up

  • Raúl Durán (guitarra flamenca, mondol argelino, bajo, voz)


I am a musician by vocation and for the love of music. I came to this world in the city of Jaén, Spain, in 1973. I grew up in a humble family, being the eldest of 5 siblings.
Music entered our house through my father, who bought instruments but never didn't play them. Thus, I have memories of seeing a Spanish guitar at home since I was very young. I was the first to want to meet her. I know it was meant for me.

My musical tradition is equal parts foreign and national influence. National for flamenco, copla, choirs and dances and traditional music in general from where I grew up: Andalusia.

Foreign, because like all young people of my generation, I grew up with the rock of the Madrid mobility of the 80s, and with all its influences, mainly from the Anglo-Saxon sphere.

In 2015 I released my first solo album, Sin Avisar, sung in Spanish. Very Anglo-Saxon style.

In 2023 I have released IsRaúl, a set of songs that are verses from the Hebrew Torah sung just as it has been inspired to me.

I have always believed that music was something magical. I knew that. But at this stage of my life, I have rediscovered myself as a channel of inspiration.

My facet as a scholar and disseminator, through my school, of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah is essential.

Chanting verses from the Torah can transform you. I know and I'm sorry. I know that it is something that comes from superior worlds of our own soul.

I hope that the music that you are going to find here transforms you, blesses you and also elevates you, a traveler of the worlds of the soul, as it does me.

May the Lord bless you and keep you