Buttering Trio

Buttering Trio


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  • country:Israel
  • style(s):Electronic, Soul
  • label:Raw Tapes
  • type:Quartet
  • instrumentation:vocal, electronic, piano
  • artist posted by:En Même Temps


Buttering Trio are three gentle souls from Tel Aviv trying to bring the funk to the desert. Using heavy beats, fat bass lines and sweet yet poignant lyrics, they try to bring some peace in a troubled region. What started out as studio jams in a smoky basement in Berlin evolved into a world-wide-touring music-making three headed love monster.

Rejoicer, Beno and KerenDun are all musicians and producers, a fact that is felt in their uncompromising sound. Their live show is a non-stop experience, one psychedelic groovy journey through the mixture of their subconscious minds. The trio's combination of loop-based beats with live instruments (saxophone, vocals, synths and bass) creates a natural and refreshing flow between atmospheric sounds, jazz explorations, and broken rhythms.

Their psychedelic voyage, (also known as the live show) appeared in several places around the globe through massive venues such as Jazz Café in Camden, Global Copenhagen, underground clubs like Bi Nuu in Berlin or Loftas in Lithuania and big festivals - Fusion Festival, Garbicz Festival, Strawberry Festival & many more.