Kala Ramnath


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  • country:India
  • style(s):Classical, Instrumental
  • label:Sense World Music
  • artist posted by:GDS Promotions


KALA RAMNATH, the contemporary torch bearer of the Mewati Gharana, stands today amongst the most outstanding instrumental musicians in the North Indian classical genre. Born into a family of prodigious musical talent, which has given Indian music such violin legends as Prof. T.N. KRISHNAN and Dr. N. RAJAM, KALA's genius with the violin manifested itself from childhood. KALA began playing the violin at the tender age of three under the strict tutelage of her grandfather Vidwan. NARAYAN IYER. Simultaneously she received training from her aunt Dr. Smt. N. RAJAM. For fifteen years she put herself under the training of Mewati vocal maestro, Sangeet Martand PANDIT JASRAJ. This has brought a rare vocal emotionalism to her art.

KALA's violin playing is characterized by an immaculate bowing and fingering technique, command over all aspects of laya, richness and clarity in sur. All this innate artistry and technical brilliance combined with a rare and exquisite emotional quality are the hallmarks of the style. She has completely revolutionized the technique of playing the violin by taking this instrument so close to vocal music that today her violin is called THE SINGING VIOLIN.


"Kala" - Kala Ramnath


Kala Ramnath