"Malins Plaisirs" - Genticorum



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  • artist:Genticorum
  • release year:2005
  • style(s):Celtic
  • country:Canada
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Genticorum
  • label:Roues et Archets

With their sense of fun firmly intact, the three members of Genticorum take us on another trip through Quebec’s rich musical traditions. We are treated to some wonderful songs and ‘complaintes’, cracking sets of tunes, and some innovative instrumental touches, such as the nickelharpa on Bonnet d’âne and a bass-o-tronic backdrop to Cascou. As we’ve said so many times in these pages, there’s tons of young groups coming out of Quebec these days. Genticorum are one of the best.
PENGUIN EGGS, Richard Thornley © 2005

The music of Québec may well be the up and coming genre in North American music. More and more bands, it seems, are emerging from the region, playing music distinctive from its Cape Breton cousins, with a wonderful rhythmic flare propelled, quite literally, by dancing feet. For a three piece, Genticorum makes a very full and glorious noise, both instrumentally and vocally. Curiously, for all that they’re Francophone, a song like Les Tisserands would sound perfectly at home in English folk with its rough-and-ready harmonies and nicely raw fiddle work. Yet at the same time they’re capable of a light, tasty set of jigs and reels like Méo Grain d’Or, for example where fiddle and flute float around each other over the guitar. Mixing traditional and original compositions, the trio stands quite assuredly in the history of their region’s music. There’s a real lightness of touch throughout, and the feet work every bit as well as a rhythmic ground as the bodhran does for Irish music. And when they add a second pair on Méthé Métis, along with a second fiddle, there’s a swelling fullness in the music. The three voices of the trio work well together, whether singing together or in antiphonal phrases. All in all they have a compelling sound that retains its joy. This is a band that’s going to go places.
SING OUT!, Chris Nickson © 2005

This trio combines the superb fiddling and compositional skills of Pascal Gemme, the spritely flute of Alexandre de Grosbois-Garand and the brilliant guitar work of Yann Falquet - who also plays with The McDades. Their instrumentals are remarkably complex and original - and brilliantly executed. Their songs, with glorious 3 part harmonies, tend to the ribald and amusing. Great music - and great fun!
Steve Edge, Rogue Folk Review © 2005

Le trio Genticorum, formé d'Alexandre de Grosbois-Garand (flûte traversière en bois, basse fretless et voix), Yann Falquet (guitare, guimbardes et voix) et Pascal Gemme (violon, pieds, voix et arrangements), appartient à cette famille de jeunes musiciens traditionnels qui conjuguent l'esprit du terroir avec une exceptionnelle subtilité d'exécution musicale. Son plus récent album, intitulé Malins plaisirs, est un pur délice caractérisé par un usage fréquent de déchirantes tonalités mineures servies avec un entrain - une drive - parfaitement saisissant et irrésistible. Qu'il s'agisse des voix à la fois lyrantes et cadencées, des arrangements rythmiques (hallucinants sur L'Avocatier et Le Tic tac du moulin) ou de la texture sonore de la fusion flûte-violon-guitare, tout, sur cet album, est remarquable (soulignons l'extrême qualité de la prise de son de l'indispensable duo Marchand-Busic du Studio du Chemin 4, à Joliette) et respire la grâce. La chanson Les Tisserands est un sommet du genre traditionnel québécois. Le disque de l'été.
Louis Cornellier, Le Devoir © 2005

Part of their appeal (especially beyond their core audience) is their youthful vigour to the traditional fare. Their music is jarring or raw but rather warm and inviting. All of the instruments are very well-balanced and easy to hear. It sounds like they are playing right in your oh-so-large living room. Their CD artwork, which is a painting of an apple as a heart with a bite taken out seems to tell you that Genticorum are expressing themselves as artists and are not just tour guides through a musical museum of yesteryear.
Cameron Blades, World Rhythm Magazine © 2005