
Line up

  • Aiace (vocals)
  • Anderson Cunha (viola)
  • Diogo Flórez (percussion)
  • Fernanda Monteiro (cello)
  • João Almy (acoustic guitar)
  • Mariana Marin (percussion)
  • Raul Pitanga (percussion)


With an instrumental line-up of 12-string Brazilian CraViola, surdo, pandeiro, Spanish guitar and cello, surging around the clear, forward tones of singer, Aiace, Sertanília conjure a fresh new sound from a deep transatlantic history. They draw their inspiration from the music and culture of the Bahian Sertão – the vast semi-arid hinterlands of northeastern Brazil – researching the interplay between contemporary sounds and traditional roots: the strong similarities between the cantos and folguetos of southwestern Bahia and the music of the troubadours of rural northern Portugal and Galicia, from where many early settlers came; the cultural influences of those settlers' encounters with the Quilombos communities founded by escaped African slaves in the 17th century, and its legacy in the today's Bahian sounds. It's an exciting exploration creating a rich symbiosis that is uniquely Brazilian.