
The Beatles Close-Up
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Line up

  • Julia Pellegrini  (Alto)
  • Juliette Brousset (Soprano )
  • Lisa Herbolzheimer  (Alto)
  • Stephanie Neigel  (Basse Soprano)


It’s no secret: the music industry makes new “stars” like a production-line. All the more reason to welcome arms wide “Les Brünettes”, four young confident women who found their own path: The female way of a cappella.

With over 350 concerts, they have established themselves beyond the world of A cappella, thanks to collaborations with groups with international reputations such as the Pasadena Roof Orchestra from London and the HR Big Band. Since the adaptation in 2018 for Big Band of part of their repertoire, they have become regular guests of renowned orchestras.

​Described by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (the widest-circulated German newspaper abroad and a leader in Germany), as a “beauty voluptuously aristocratic” (sic!), Les Brünettes were invited on television shows, including ZDF Heute Journal, the Kölner Treff of WDR, Kaffee oder Tee (SWR, “Tea or Coffee”), at the Landesschau Baden-Württemberg, and also on radio shows, some of which Klassik-Pop-et cetera (Deutschland Funk), and are widely followed by the press.