"Alma" - Dazibao



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Vic Smith - Folk Roots jan/feb 2006
In Dazibao, we have more very talented and musically adventurous Belgians. These are apparently unconnected to all those in the Wild Boar stable or with the many musicians who plays in groups with Didier Laloy altough perhaps inevitably Didier is among the list of people thanked in the short album notes. The three elements that make up Dazibao seem to have equally important contributions to make. Firstly there is the lead provided by the diatonic accordeons of Sophie Cavez and Jonathan De Neck. The way these two interplay and interact would make an interesting album in itself, but here they are superbly underpinned by Middle Eastern percussion from Jo Zanders and the assistance of Karim Baggili who alternates North African ud and flamenco guitar. Working within these margins they come up with some very inventive compositions and arrangements. Listen, particulary, to "Avant Après" and you will hear a wide range of shifting rythms,timbres and moods - all within an exhilarating five and a half minutes.
The instrumentation might lead to the impression that this is going to be primarily dance music, but as with the album it is paired with here, there is something quite cerebral in their approach.