Feliz Feliz


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  • Bento Abreu (Drumns)
  • Juliano Gauche (Vocal, acustic Guitar)
  • Murilo Abreu (Bass)
  • Rodolfo Simor (Guitar)


SOLANA is a brazilian band, from Vitoria (ES), first formed in 2003 with the album "QUANTO MAIS PRESSA MAIS DEVAGAR". Very well recognized for the song's originality and the influence of literature in its lyrics, the first album rose Solana as one of the most requested bands in the local scenario, soon after its release.

Demonstrating an extreme capacity of reinvention, Solana worked on a new album in 2008, called "FELIZ FELIZ" (, a virtual album
released with free download in the internet. A year later, Solana appears with a new concert, called "VENEZA". Maintaining the very same essence of the latest works, this new step brings simple songs and natural arranges, containing previous songs and 11 original ones, that will be recorded in the next new album, also called VENEZA. With minimalist cenography and theatrical lighting, VENEZA continues Solana's excellent work, delivering a cultural product with both artistic and technical high quality, willing to represent the state of Espirito Santo before the country and overseas. SOLANA is formed by Rodolfo Simor (guitars), Juliano Gauche (vocal and guitars), Murilo Abreu (bass) and Bento Abreu (drums).