sara alexander

sara alexander


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  • country:Israel
  • region:Orient
  • style(s):Global Fusion
  • label:al sur
  • artist posted by:KA Y SON


Ya Salam

A vital and unique energy... and so

Because they go right to your heart.

At the crossroads of jazz, rock and
oriental music, blakan, gypsy,
celtic, gnawa, Tsiganes and
Jewish... 10 virtuoso soloists, all
coming from different cultures,
brought together around Sara
Alexander, in a true celebration of
culture jamming !

Their music has no fronteirs. It has
roots and is nourished in
innumerable gatherings, in
friendship, deep listening and
sharing of experiences, traditions, of
their very souls.

Musical voyagers, they have in
common their virtuosity, generosity,
rhythmic fluidity and the cultural
paradigms from which they come
and which they have traversed to
reclaim an imagined identity where
each regains his uniqueness
through the others.