Jacqueline Fuentes

Jacqueline Fuentes
Jacqueline Fuentes
CD cover "Amo la vida"


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  • country:Chile
  • style(s):World
  • label:Cuatro Vientos
  • type:Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:female
  • instrumentation:vocal
  • artist posted by:Latin Colours


Jacqueline Fuentes is an intense experience, a fusion of love, awareness and revolution. Audiences are mesmerized by the power of her voice and the beauty of the lyrics that she pens herself.

Crossing the boundaries of language, religion, and geography thier music formed a collective of inspiration and solidarity. This is the same concept for her new album AMO LA VIDA (Love the Life). Jacqueline's timely release is recreating this movement, this message... bringing an awakening of love... With its South American roots firmly planted, this album is able to spread its arms and embrace the world music scene through its diverse instrumentation and the ethnicity of its musicians. Jacqueline is a spiritual force with the capability to move people to their deepest levels.