"Alive" by Joselito Acedo (guitar solo).

ALIVE by JOSELITO ACEDO // ©Daniel Muñoz


"Alegrias" / Flamenco
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It is the first time that Joselito Acedo presents his “Alive” guitar solo. It is an evocative tour of the influences that have emphatically influenced his flamen- co guitar style, and in which artists like Niño Ricardo, José Acedo, Rafael Riqueni and Paco de Lucía may be recognized. His compositions are fresh and contemporary, but also contain harmonic details that evoke traditional flamenco styles, among which we may recognize the resounding solemnity of the “Soleá”, the rhythmic power of the “Zapateado” or the festive expressive- ness of the Triana “Bulerías”.
2022 Creation.
Premiere: “XXII Bienal de Flamenco”, “Ciclo Guitarra Desnuda”, “Espacio Turina”, Seville, Spain. 20.09.2022.
Length: 50’.
On tour: 3 people.
-Joselito Acedo (Composer & Guitarrist).
-1 sound technician, 1 road manager.
Production: Joselito Acedo | GNP Producciones SL.
Joselito Acedo, was born in the neighborhood of Triana (Seville). He was very young when his father, José Acedo, and his uncle, Rafael Riqueni started teaching him. As a composer, a performer, a director and a music producer, he is a reference point in the creation and production of flamenco instrumental music. This versatile artist developed his career accompanying great artists such as Lole Montoya, Remedios Amaya, Manuel Molina, La Susi, Antonia “La Negra”, Rosario “La Tremendita” or Rosalía for whom he did the musical arrangement of the tangos “Juro Que” (2020).
“Andando” (2015).
2015 Latin Grammy Awards - Nominated.
2015 MIN Awards (Independent Music Awards). Record company: “Nuba Records S.L.”
“Triana D.F.” (2020).
Record company: “La Cúpula Music”.

article posted by:Aurora Limburg, Limburg, Aurora
