Cheny Wa Gune Quarteto

Cheny Wa Gune Quarteto
Werner Puntigam
  • country:Mozambique
  • region:East Africa
  • style(s):Jazz, World
  • label:Encontrarte
  • type:Band
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Logaritmo

The emblematic sound of the m'bila has been part of the cultural identity of the Vachopi people of Southern Mozambique for over 400 years. The rolling rhythms produced on this wooden xylophone (plural is timbila) speak of a tradition of dance, chant, poetry and music that has flourished in the face of invasions. Cheny Wa
Gune is the young m'bila maestro who is carrying the tradition forward. With his super tight rhythm section of bass guitar, drums and percussion he pounds out the time-honoured grooves with an urban energy that carries the listener into the throbbing heart of modern Maputo. In the last years he himself has been carrying these sounds as far afield as La Reunion, Brazil and Argentina, interacting with other musicians and expanding his influences. Now he's ready to expand yours.