Alhe + Samba_Album


Aleh + Samba_Album
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  • country:Brazil
  • region:Rio de Janeiro
  • style(s):Brazilian, Samba
  • label:not signed
  • type:Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Martinica Comunicação e Cultura

Line up

  • Aleh (guitar/singer)


(Text and Translation: Marcela Ferreira)
This album makes an elegant celebration to samba. It registers eleven songs with sophistication and harmonic refinement. Known as an artist of the soul and of the Black music, Aleh properly interprets in the album Aleh + Samba, the essence of the samba music. Virtuously, it brings the universe of the black music and creates good and abundant sambas.

Aleh + Samba aggregates ingredients into the richness of the samba. It inserts nuances of voices and, melodically, adds the authentic timbre of this rhythm over beautiful and intelligent lyrics. It brings the beauty of Receita de um Samba Raiz in the opening of the album where the bandolin and the ukulele show affluent sounds that impulse all senses. The grace of the samba cancao is shown by the song O Sonhador; the evolving flute arrangements are shared with the magnitude of the percussion and of the acoustic guitar, softening the ardor. At the track Nava, besides a striking lyric, it comes with an excellent tone of the 7 strings acoustic guitar, above a subtle resonance of the cuica. Samba de quadra comes with an exciting set of drums and interesting chorus of "pastoras"; a group of female voices that comes from the front line, showing the joy and the power of cadency at the song Fiz.
Samba sincopado style evolves the inspiration into a discrete celebration at Samba da Rainha, on track three. It is mildly spiced by the jazz brought by the nobility of the keyboard and by the charming of the sax lines. Also, Sexta Feira Carioca on track seven was freed from its original form and it is now decorated by this style of samba. After this feat, Aleh + Samba presents a new fusion of samba, full of swing, all shown in this Samba-rock mode at Pra Nao Parar de Sambar. It is a dance composition that comes with malice in the arrangements. It uses the gafieira rhythm and meets the brio of the metal basis. With sophistication, the CD goes beyond and brings a valuable conception. On track eight, it strongly compresses the drum beats and transforms into the Brazilian afro beat format, Maracatu, emitted at Heroi Nago.

Samba conceitual (conceptual samba) comes with a composition Morro do Alto Iluminado. It is a simple melody with beautiful acoustic guitar lines, with a swigged hit from the pandeiro and a creative lyric; all to tell how mild Love can be. Partido alto style comes in Bla Bla Bla song; it shows the delicious of a groove that with simplicity in its form and with enchanted feminine voices makes the feet move in only one direction, to the samba swing. As track bonus, a film theme Elvis and Madonna unveils the musical versatility of the composer. Here it proves that samba comes from its roots.

The CD brings compositions and lyrics from Aleh and consecrated artists like William Magalhaes, Marcio Local and David dos Santos. It counts with participations of great masters of the samba such as Pretinho Da Serrinha, Wilson das Neves, Zeca da Cuica and Carlinhos 7 cordas. The CD was arranged and produced by Aleh; except tracks Receita de um samba raiz and Sonhador which were produced by David Corcos. Flute arrangements in Nava and Sonhador, Dirceu Leite. Artistic Direction: Guto Goffi. In addition Aleh + Samba counts with a layer of respected musicians described in the album's technical specification.