Trio Lopez-Petrakis-Chemirani

Trio Lopez-Petrakis-Chemirani


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  • country:Greece
  • style(s):Greek, Afghan
  • label:Musiepoca
  • type:Trio
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Molpé Music

Line up

  • Bijan Chemirani  (percussions)
  • Efren Lopez (lauto, hurdy-gurdy, guitar, rubab )
  • Stelios Petrakis (lyra, lauto )


This trio is a musical meeting between three young musicians who compose and perform their music, which is being influenced from various local musical genres of the Mediterranean area, where they all come from. The trio has recently released it's first cd called "Mavra froudia" (black eyebrows) in Greece and Spain.

Stelios Petrakis: Young composer and virtuoso lyra and lute player from the island of Crete Greece, who is always interested in the musical dialog between musicians coming from different musical genres,

Efren Lopez: Multiinstrumentalist (hurdy gurdy, rabab, oud , fretless guitar, kopuz, rabab) and composer, coming from Valencia Spain who has travelled and studied for years various musical idioms of the Mediterranean area and Middle East and Afgnistan, founderand director of the Valencian group L'ham de foc,

Bijan Chemirani: Zarb, Daff, Bendir player, who is being taught the secrets of his art from the Master of the Iranian Zarb Djamshid Chemirani his father. Living in Marseille France, he has a huge experience sharing his art for years with many musicians from different styles.

This trio project is based on the musical and personal relationship of the three musicians who have many common things to share, and it's the first time that they all meet and play. By using musical instruments that belong to various traditional music genres, the influence from all these local idioms is obvious: Music of Crete Greece, Early music, Music of Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Spain, France.