Dee & Us


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  • country:Brazil
  • region:Rio de Janeiro
  • style(s):Brazilian, Pop
  • label:Indie
  • type:Band
  • artist posted by:Oi Querida!

Line up

  • Mariana Dias  (Vocals)
  • Tom Saboia (All instruments)


Mariana Dias - singer, music producer and composer. She's a demanded pro in the publicity industry, sharing her voice in major campaigns by major companies and agencies in Brazil.
Tom Saboia - musician, music producer, composer and arranger. He's gained a spotlight in the Brazilian music industry as a producer for O Rappa (Warner Music), reaching a gold album and 4 singles at the top 10 charts.
Mariana and Tom, have gotten together to develop this all-new authorial work to bring a fresh music that merges Brazilian Bossa Nova based compositions with the sound of contemporary international music.
The found result consists in a music that features melody richness and presents a sophisticated sound that can easily come down to its core, a simple and beautiful acoustic guitar & vocal song. Mariana and Tom's musical professionalism is transposed to Dee & US' visual propose, featuring a clean and modern image.
Being aware of the great prospective found in each market niche, Dee & US aims its music to a selected segment, in a global realm. Throughout its lean lineup and using many of today's available distribution and promotional tools in an international way, Mari and Tom make their work commercially feasible without compromising their artistic focus, usually necessary to reach a larger public in a local sphere.
Gold is Dee's first album and it's been made to please your ears.


"Gold" - Dee & Us