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“OUR CAROL” is the latest album of Marta Hristea and Vlaicu Golcea.
Here you can listen the wonderful yet deep voice of Marta Hristea singing rare traditional Romanian carols in a very personal electronic textures designed by Vlaicu Golcea. All the songs are rare – unknown to the Romanian public and are selected from the different folkloric zones of Romania. The songs contain archaic lyrics and beautiful melodic inflections that remind of all Balkans folklore influences.

01.Din-naintea cestor curti
02.Ce soare rãsare
03.Fatã dalbã de-mpãrat
04.Ada, maicã cea cheitã
05.Doamnele, Domnului, Doamne
06.Colind valah
07.Doamnele, jur prejur de mese
08.Ion, florileor dalbe
09.Sus la munte ninge
10.Ferice, ferice
11.La sfârsitu lumii
12.Sub aripa cerului
13.Dasta-i sara
14.Scoalã, scoalã, om bun
15.Sara bunã, gazdã bunã

Marta Hristea - A Jazz singer, lyricist and composer; six CD’s released in Romania.

Vlaicu Golcea
A jazz double bass player, composer and arranger, sound designer, producer, a graduate from the University of Music – Bucharest, Jazz department (1998); member of the Romanian Composers Union. His work as a musician ranges between jazz and electronic music.
More than ten CD’s released in Romania, and on two international compilations – “Paris Lounge 3” and “CAFEMAMSP VOL.2 – BLACK TIE LOUNGE” with “Tristete” by Electric Brother.