Premiere Official Video by ADÉDÈJÌ

ADÉDÈJÌ Official Video


Yoruba Odyssey
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New Video premiere 'Shyphiliezation' by ADÉDÈJÌ

In March 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, Adédèjì and I flew from Europe to Nigeria, to set up some concerts in the city of Lagos. We where in need of footage for the upcoming album 'Yoruba Odyssey', and a filmed concert for Sunfest festival in Canada. Sunfest kindly supported the musicians and their audiences, by setting up online concerts during springtime. At that time, no one knew how long the "new reality" would last. We decided to go ahead and prepare material for the album we had planned to release same year, and to prepare the band for the tours we where hoping to have after releasing it. We even got pre-selected for a WOMEX Showcase! But as we all experienced, the exceptional situation continued, and hence we pushed the album release for better times ahead. The album was finally released on 26th of August this year.

During two hectic weeks in Lagos, we spent the time between rehearsals, concert filming and several interviews for a curious and supportive national press. We had two full house shows at Alliance Français and where honoured by an enthusiastic audience, including the legendary Seun Kuti, the Guardian Newspaper, Peter Fisher from 'Jazz & Conversations', as well as the Danish Consul, all thrilled with the energetic performance and high speed groovy music. In between the busy schedule, we went to the markets for fabrics, to the tailors, and location scouting for the photo shoots. Jewellery had been specially designed for the band and brought from Copenhagen, along with accessories, cameras and more. As one can guess, time was never enough, and the filming was done in a kind of dogme movie-style. It rather than a scripted story, captures the groove of the song and the place, the mood of people, and the mysticism and magic of the city, seen by my childish, dreamy eyes. Instead of perfection in an imaginary set up, it shows reality, the beauty in the details and natural events, with a sense of humor and great mood; from meeting with the band-members of Egypt 80, to the feel good energy of Adédèjì and his band performing.
I hope you will enjoy Adédèjì's incredibly groovy tune 'Shyphiliezation' through this adventurous lens!

Many greetings
Carolina Vallejo
One World Records, September 18, 2022.

article posted by:Carolina Vallejo, One World
