Workshop in Music from the Middle East

Lars Bo Kujahn


percussion composition by Lars Bo Kujahn
  • 1 Gediid
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Lars Bo "Khaled" Kujahn present his "Oriental Percussion and Music Workshop".
LBK Have since 1994 presented his workshop from "Rain Forrest Festival" in Borneo to "Falun Folk Music Festival" in Sweden - and different Conservatories/Music Schools i Europe.
His Books "Oriental Percussion1 + 2" is based on research and studies in The Middle East from 1988-1993.
The Video for his book you can find at his youtube channel.
Levels for the workshop can be from beginners to students at Music Conservatories. Lars Bo Kujahn Plays the Kanun, Tabla/Darbuka/Framedrums, and guitar as well. LBK is leader of his own band "Oriental Mood" since 1993.

article posted by:Lars Bo Kujahn, Oriental Mood Production
