Asko | Schönberg Ensemble

(The Netherlands)

Asko | Schönberg Ensemble by Ada Nieuwendijk
Asko | Schönberg Ensemble by Ada Nieuwendijk
  • artist:Asko | Schönberg Ensemble
  • event type:Classical:NEXT 19 Evening Showcase
  • date:16 May 2019
  • time:20:00 - 20:30
  • city/area:Rotterdam
  • venue:Jurriaanse Zaal (first floor), de Doelen
  • country:Netherlands
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts


Asko | Schönberg performs music of the 20th and 21st centuries in a variety of settings. The ensemble's highly qualified musicians perform works, from solos to larger-scale repertoire, both in concert settings and in interdisciplinary productions. Asko | Schönberg occupies an unassailable position in the arts through its enormous versatility, constant forward momentum and its ability to mirror topicality. Collaboration between musicians, composers and creators is a key element of its work. They examine musical and theatrical formats, techniques and possibilities through a dynamic working process that results in exciting discoveries, new insights and innovative methods of presentation.

Asko | Schönberg, while respecting its 20th century heritage, is creating the repertoire of the future. The musicians are highly specialised in the performance of new music, thanks in part to their intensive collaboration with composers.

David Kweksilber, clarinet
Jeannette Landré, flute
Joey Marijs, vibraphone
Jonathan Bonny, marimba
Pauline Post, piano
Marijke van Kooten, violin
Sanne van der Horst, cello


Louis Andriessen

Louis Andriessen and Martijn Padding