
What role does classical art music have to play in changing the world

Frank Horvat by Anita Zvonar
Celso Mojola by Wederson Alves
Paola Prestini by Caroline Tompkins
Merlijn Twaalfhoven by Chantal Heijnen
  • event type:Classical:NEXT 19 Conference
  • date:17 May 2019
  • time:15:45 - 16:30
  • city/area:Rotterdam
  • venue:Conference Room 1 (Van Weelde Zaal), de Doelen
  • country:Netherlands
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts


Session 16

With Frank Horvat (Canada), composer, pianist and artivist

Celso Mojola (Brazil), manager and composer, GRUPECO, Cantareria School of Music

Paola Prestini (US), co-founder and artistic director, National Sawdust

Merlijn Twaalfhoven (The Netherlands), composer, The Turn Club

We are facing climate change, rapid growing inequality, a changing economy and a robot revolution. How can music relate to such urgent issues? Do we become social activists? Or is there a truly artistic role to play? This session discusses four projects that go beyond the level of illustration, contemplation or addressing these topics. From an opera co-created with the inhabitants of besieged Aleppo to a project that brings extinguished insects to life, they confront, connect, involve and change their audiences. In the first half, the impact, approach
and artistic quality of each example is assessed and discussed. The second part is dedicated to our own dreams, dilemmas and ideas about connecting classical music and the most urgent global challenges.