Lute Electric

Lute Electric 1, Foto by Before Sound Filming Reality
Lute Electric 2, Foto by Before Sound Filming Reality
Lute Electric 3, Foto by Before Sound Filming Reality


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Films in the WOMEX Film Library are available on demand and accessible at any time from Thursday 26 – Saturday 28 October, 10:00 to 17:00.

Directed by Vasileios Dimitriadis & Mike Geranios
Duration 45' - Greek with English subtitles

Produced by Before Sound | Filming Reality - Production Country and Year Greece/Germany, 2016.

In 2015 the first electric lute is constructed on the island of Crete. The creator and designer, Dimitris Sideris, attempts a series of improvised music recordings in locations of exceptional acoustics, architectural structure and history. Affected by these features, the musician enters into a state of dialogue with each space, inspiring for sight specific compositions with the electric lute.