Aló Django
Xabier Mera
Alfonso Calvo
Quim Fariña
Aló Django
Aló Django
Aló Django


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Line up

  • Alfonso Calvo (Doblebass and voice)
  • David 'Tato' (Guitar)
  • Gail Brevitt (Tap dance and voice)
  • Quim Fariña (Violin)
  • Xabier Mera (Guitar and voice)


Aló Django is a Galician band that takes its inspiration in jazz, in galician music and in the traditional music of the "manouches", the Central European gypsies: the so-called Gypsy Swing, a cheerful, lyrical and acoustic style whose most popular figure is the well-known guitarist Django Reinhardt.

Furthermore, Aló Django has a theatrical sense of its show, with the presence of the tap dance, stand-up and comic interaction with the audience, so that music is threaded with other scenic genres as cabaret or music-hall.

To sum up, with Alo Django we have as main objective to disseminate the "manouche gypsy music" through a concert with a lot of Swing and humor. If you think jazz is boring, maybe you haven't heard us yet, so... give us a try, unstick your shoes from the ground and dance!