  • country:Cuba
  • region:Central Asia
  • style(s):Asian, Traditional
  • label:Pure Nature Music
  • artist posted by:Pure Nature Music


Chirgilchin means mirage or miracle in the Tuvan language. Founded in 1996, the group brings together the cream of the younger generation of Tuvan throat-singers and showcases five styles of throat singing: the khoomey (general), the kargyraa (deep tones), the sygyt (high tones), the borbannadyr (staccato-like whistle), the ezengiler (sound originating from clashing horse spurs) and the chilandyk (kargyraa and sygyt). Tuvan throat-singing is based on a scale similar to American blues and uses sustained notes that branch into overtones with slight pitch fluctuations, creating a buoyant yet meditative quality. The songs speak about the natural landscape, horses, and a nomadic way of life. Sung in their native language, the group plays little known instruments, including the dospuluur (lute), the igil (two-stringed violin), and the dungar (rattle drum used by Tuvan shamans).