Raquel Coutinho

Raquel Coutinho
Raquel Coutinho
Raquel´s band
Raquel´s band
Raquel Coutinho


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  • country:Brazil
  • region:Minas Gerais
  • style(s):Brazilian, Folk
  • label:Casa de Besouro
  • type:Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:female
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Rigotto


Raquel Coutinho creates sound compositions that explore and reveal tones and timbres of African-Brazilian music, highlighting Congado and Candomble. Mixing contemporary music, she presents a very particular sound universe. Her first album, "Olho d'Agua", was produced by Jongui (producer and drummer). Released in Brazil and Europe in 2010, it was launched at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival.
With incredible musical and performing talent, the singer uses her voice as percussion and harmony, playing with distortion pedals. She also plays tambor de folia, gunga and pantangome.
As a review in the Scandinavian magazine Lira Musikmagazin quotes: "Music that opens the ears."
Raquel Coutinho is recording her second album, produced by a Cameroonian musician who lives in France, Claude Di Bongue. In the new work, the language is even more percussion based, with a strong research in African rhythms that are mixed to the Brazilian Congado Mineiro.