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  • country:Brazil
  • region:South America
  • style(s):Funk, Soul
  • label:Atlantic
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Saba


Created in 1976, Banda Black Rio appears on the funk galaxy by introducing soul and funk in «rodas de samba». At this time there was a natural movement coming: musically it linked soul to samba, but it was not a movement restricted just to music. It had a variety of names: Black Power, Soul Power, and the most famous one, Black Rio. The movement established itself, through dances at the weekends, which became more frequent and more hugely attended, often taking place in the squares of the “escolas” de samba. It was mainly black people who were going to those events, influenced by the civil rights activism of America.

Oberdan Magalhães, the fondator of the band elaborated a musical work that united the grooves of samba and funk with the musicality of jazz, with references to the gafieiras, the traditional dance halls of Rio, where for decades, people had been dancing together to the warm mixture of jazz with samba, played by local big bands (the most famous of which was led by Paulo Moura). The group recorded its own compositions as well as those of other composers, but with a singular arrangement such as "Na baixa do sapateiro" (Ary Barroso), "Casa Forte" (Edu Lobo), etc.

The fusion of genres comes across the albums: “Maria Fumaca” (1976), “Gafieira Universal” (1978), “Saci Perere” (1980). Often compared to bands, such as Earth, Wind & Fire and Kool & the Gang, Banda Black Rio developed an instrumental soul music that was very well received internationally. Oberdan Magalhães dies in 1984. In 1999 the band restructures itself around his son William Magalhães. A pianist, arranger and producer, he has worked with various artists such as Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa, Ed Motta, Marina Lima, Cláuido Zolli, Cassiano, Sandra de Sá, Milton Nascimento, amongst others. In 2001 Banda Black Rio launches a new album «Movimento». Remixed by the label ‘Mr Bongo’, it came out in 2002 in England under the title «Rebirth».

In 2010 will be released in Brazil its next album «Supernova Funk Samba» (Cosa Nostra), introducing pop and hip hop to its mixes of funk, jazz and Brazilian rhythms. A double cd with 28 original titles, featuring Gilberto Gil, Seu Jorge, Mano Brown, Elza Soares, Cesar Camargo Mariano, Chico César... The Black Rio movement goes on gathering and mixing black talents from our time. A release that will start its very first European tour. Not to be missed!