Yarima Blanco Ep1 release on the 19.10.2021

Yarima Blanco the Tres player, singer and composer from Cuba
Yarima Blanco Ep I "Pa mi tres" release on the 19.10.21


An homage to the great country of Colombia
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Just in time , or better so, synchronize with Womex21, release the artist Yarima Blanco, together with Soundwear Productions and Termidor records, the first EP from the production "Pa mi tres" available on the 19.10.2021. The complete album will come out in the month of April 2022, In Cuba under the record label Egrem, in USA under the record label Take5Music and on line platforms and the rest of the world under Termidor records.
Looking forward for this release and for the physical cd release next year.
We will keep you posted.

article posted by:Tomás Pérez, Soundwear Productions
