

These are just preview samples. You need a valid account and be logged in to hear the full tracks.
  • country:USA
  • style(s):Hip Hop, Jazz
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Spam Allstars

Line up

  • Danny Perez (keys)
  • Keith Cooper (saxes)
  • Logics (emcee)
  • Manny Petino (drums)
  • Newsense (emcee)
  • Ralfy Valencia (bass)


The set up alone beckons the questions "What does a live band with two emcees sound like?" Well, imagine Soulive with a harder edge or The Roots, but jazzier, denser, and more spontaneous. Envision blending your favorite groups from Hip-Hop's Golden era and replacing their sampled beats with Jazz musicians. Now, what if those Jazz musicians had a knack for creating that boom-bap sound that made us all fall in love with Hip-Hop in the first place? In reality, such a mixture doesn't have to be imagined. It exists. It's a living, breathing entity that lives in Miami, but thinks universally. It speaks in a language that is both familiar and unknown. Its name is ArtOfficial and its here to make you remember the past and embrace the future.

"ArtOfficial have proven themselves as creative forces to be reckoned with. Their delicately weaved combination of hip-hop, jazz and indie beats represent an exquisitely refined Miami sound." -

"ArtOfficial is a collective that unites smart MCs with band geeks, snapping off rhymes over boom-bap funk and electric '70s jazz like Guru's Jazzmatazz joined by the kids who were too cool for their high school's marching band." SF Weekly