Korai Öröm


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  • country:Hungary
  • style(s):Tribal, Ethno
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:male
  • artist posted by:Világveleje Productions


Korai Oeroem
The band Korai Oeroem was formed in 1990.
The band's latest 9th consecutive album recorded in Studio R33 was released in the first week of March 2010 by the record label 1G Records.
Over the past 20-odd years, Korai Oeroem performed on the big stage at the Sziget Festival on 2 occasions and on the Wan2 stage each year, and was also regularly invited to perform at major festivals organised in Hungary . The band equally feels at home when performing at foreign festivals and clubs and over the past 3 years only has hit the stage in various cities located in the following countries: Holland, Italy, Austria, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Romania and Serbia.
VJs accompanying the band have been making concerts even more spectacular ever since the beginning.
The band plays progressive, tribal-trance-ethno style music.
This is what the media has to say: ambient, urban folk music, psychedelic ethno, progressive action music characteristic of the 90s. "Korai Oeroem amalgamates the sounds of an array of ethnicities and galaxies in its music, which is indescribably abundant, yet most certainly digestible."