Wang Li
Wang Li @Ymago Production (Musée du quai Branly)


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  • country:China
  • style(s):Tradimodern
  • label:5 Planetes
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Zaman Production


" He is in high happiness. He plays huang and he leads me to travel. How glad we are"
jun zi yangyang in Shi Jing . wang feng 500 beforeJC Chine

Wang Li comes from Tsinghao, a port from the banks of the Yellow Sea, North East China.
Raised in the strict environment of a residential complex of the Chinese People's Army, he followed graduate studies while playing bass in orchestras.
After he chose exile to France where it is hosted by fathers seminarians of St. Sulpice in Issy-Les-Moulineaux. For nearly 4 years, he shared their austere life. It finds its own way to develop his poetic personality.
There he discovers the value of learning patience and silence.

The compositions of Wang Li are generally inspired by his own experience: memories of childhood and his family, his life. He has fond memories of nursery rhymes and counting songs, whose simple rhythms he still appreciates.