Bardic Divas


The performers assembled under the rubric "Bardic
Divas" are not a fixed collective, but a flexible
cooperative whose members represent diverse
performance traditions centered around the solo
Kenjegul Kubatova, specializes in the bel canto
lyrical songs whose wide range of colours and
moods are the ideal vehicle for displaying a
powerful vocal talent. By contrast, the power of
Uljan Baibussynova's voice is reflected in the raspy,
guttural recitative in which she recites Kazakh oral
poetry. Uljan is a jyrau an epic singer, and was
one of the first women of her young generation to
master this traditionally male art. Likewise, Ziada
Sheripova and Injegul Saburova were the first
women to perform a traditionally male bardic
repertory from Qaraqalpakstan, an autonomous
region of Uzbekistan that borders the Aral Sea.