Maria Pomianowska

Maria Pomianowska
Maria Pomianowska with Suka from Biłgoraj


Chopin's Waltz Op. 64 no. 2 in flamenco style
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Line up

  • Maria Pomianowska (Suka bilgorajska, Fidel plocka)


Maria Pomianowska, Ph.D. - instrumentalist, vocalist and composer. Graduate of the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw in cello class.

She managed to successfully reconstruct Suka from Bilgoraj and Fidel from Plock, playing traidional Polish songs and dances. Also performs a programme which searches the roots of F. Chopin's music in Polish folk tunes.

Fluent in numerous Asian bowed instruments, playing ethnic music from China, India, Persia or the Balkans as well as creating musical crossovers with European classical pieces or Polish folk.