"Chopin on 5 continents" - Maria Pomianowska

Maria Pomianowska
Cover art


Chopin's Waltz Op. 64 no. 2 in flamenco style
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This album is an attempt at creating a multicultural meeting, based on selected masterpieces from the repertoire of the great Polish composer. This CD features unique arrangements of Frederic Chopin's works, performed on various ethnic and classical instruments from all over the world. It is a fusion which blends numerous musical traditions from five different continents with the beauty of Chopin's works, taking his music to the multicultural Paris of the 21st century.

It is a musical journey of imagination, attempting to answer the question what could the experiences of F. Chopin be, if he would have emigrated no to the Paris of the early 19th century, but to the Paris of today. What types of music would he listen to and which ones would have inspired his works? What instruments would he encounter? Paris of today is a place where cultures of the world mingle, a place where you can meet with the musical cultures of Persia, India, Africa, Japan, China, South America and many others. This album is a journey in space and time, a musical tale about melodies and instruments from different cultures of the five continents, their beauty and universal features, which allow them to fluently merge with Chopin’s music.