Spok frevo


The genre known as Frevo never had the same recognition by the audience than his cousins, the other form of Popular Brazilian Music such as Samba, forro, choro…at least when they had to represent the Brazilian culture abroad. It is now the time to rehabilitate this unfairness and discover the amazing rhythm of the Spok Frevo orquestra.
Contrary to the internationally known Choro and Forro, not so much are the people familiarized to the Frevo far for Pernambuco, where the Frevo find its roots and dominate in the popular celebrations with its acute sounds and sharp melodies, also described by specialists as the jazz of Brazil for its tunes and for the numerous groups to play it, compared to a “Big band”. The Frevo is also Music played in the street and for celebration, an aspect shared with the New Orleans jazz.
But at the opposite of the jazz, the Frevo stayed during years very hermetic to all sort of fusion or innovation.
Until came the saxophonist and director Spok, and between his hands, a band of 18 players to insufflate a new breathe and give to these traditional rhythms the modernity and the necessary varnish to reach the international scale.