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Riobó presents their second album "Quiral". The meaning of Quiral is "that which can not be superimposed on its mirror image".

Quiral is a piece of work where traditional music from past centuries, and its interpretation, is filtered by the five musicians from Riobó, from a contemporary folk point of view. These five musicians are Begoña Riobó, Fernando Barroso, Fernando Pérez, Marcos Campos and Xosé Liz.

The traditional music looks into an imaginary mirror where we find their matches and the impossibility of overlapping one image over the other, showing their chirality.

In the repertoire, the quintet is immersed in the various possibilities of traditional instruments, mixing folk/singer-songwriter music with roots music.

They interpret songs to be listened to and inspired by all times, in the most danceables rythms. They are committed to Galician music and will continue to be so for future albums.

Riobó is back presenting its expected "Quiral", a piece of work that consolidates the band as one of the main Galician folk bands of this time.