Hot Swing Sextet

Teaser Hot Swing Sextet

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  • country:France
  • style(s):Jazz, Swing
  • label:Melodinote
  • type:Band
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Melodinote

Line up

  • Bertrand Tessier (Saxophone)
  • Erwann Muller (Electric guitar)
  • Franck Richard (Double bass)
  • Jéricho Ballan (Drums)
  • Ludovic Langlade (Guitar)
  • Thibaud Bonté (Trumpet)

HOT SWING SEXTET offers a trip back in time in the frenzied atmosphere of the jazz clubs of the 30s.
From Paris to Harlem, From Django Reinhardt to Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong through, Hot Swing Sextet organized for you, a trip « tailored » towards « Swing ».

Get on board with these six young musicians full of energy. « Swing, » « swaying » and good humor are on the menu of this great Journey through the « middle-jazz ».

Hot Swing Sextet
©photo Fred Encuentra
©photo Fred Encuentra
©photo Fred Encuentra


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