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  • featured artist:Marta Hristea (vocals), Vlaicu Golcea (double bass) & B.A.U.
  • release year:2003
  • style(s):Traditional
  • country:Romania
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:ONE group
  • label:La Strada Music RO

Electric Brother released his debut album at the beginning of July 2003. The first release concert was in one of the most prestigious jazz festivals in Europe - The Montreux Jazz Festival – where Electric Brother was invited to play in the opening night. The live set in The Montreux Jazz Club (4th of July); features Electric Brother (samplers, guitar), Marta Hristea (vocals) and Vlaicu Golcea (double bass). These two musicians both contributed to the Electric Brother - Album as well as Brigada Artistica Urbana (B.A.U.) fom Timisoara - Romania. The debut album was released in Romania at La Strada Music on the 11th of July 2003, in Japan/ Asia at Ward Records (May 2004) and for the rest of the world at Phazz-A-Delic Records - Germany.

Electric Brother also composed the music for J. M. Synge’s “The Playboy of the Western World” directed by Nona Ciobanu for the Bucharest National Theatre, for the Romanian feature film “Marfa si Banii” directed by Cristi Puiu and nominated in 2000 in the Cannes Festival. Together with NSK (his house band) he wrote and performed the music for Italian fashion designers Max Mara and Pal Zileri.

In 2002, Electric Brother and Vlaicu Golcea (double-bass) wrote the soundtrack for another Romanian film production ”Furia” – directed by Radu Muntean (one of the new breeds of Romanian filmmakers).

“Electric Brother is electronic, eclectic, romanik and jazzistic. This brother brings emotion and spirituality to electronica and that's just what we need..." - Philippe Cohen Solal (GoTan Project).