Orquestra Àrab de Barcelona

Orquestra Àrab de Barcelona
OAB members
"Ayub" oab singer
Maktub (Harmonia Mundi 2008)
Báraka (Temps Record 2006)


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  • country:Spain
  • region:Catalonia
  • style(s):Arabic, Mediterranean
  • label:harmonia mundi USA
  • type:Band
  • instrumentation:vocal
  • artist posted by:Vesc SL

Line up

  • Aziz Khodari (arabic percussion)
  • Ioannis Papaioannou (luth)
  • Joan Rectoret (bass)
  • Jordi Gaig (keyboards)
  • Mohamed al Ghazi (arabic percussion)
  • Mohamed Bout (voice)
  • Mohamed Soulimane (violin)
  • Sergio Ramos (drums)


Maktub, everything is written,

In the arabic world is believed that everything to happen has been written before.
If we adopt this belief for a while, we can think that the presentation of the second recording by the Arab Orchestra of Barcelona was also written. And so has happened.

It was written that will happen just here. The fate had prepared a new repertoire based on new sounds, words and feelings. After Baraka (Temps Record 2006), the OAB makes a step forward to launch a second album that includes more own compositions than ever and counts on collaboration of some international well-known artists.

The production of this second issue is supported by the Auditori of Barcelona, where OAB is resident.

Directed by Mohamed Soulimane, violinist and composer as well as founder member of the formation, the OAB talks again about peace, integration, tolerance, love and coexsistence, among other current topics. They do it with sounds that define their own concept: a rich and well-balanced mixture of traditional Moroccan music and the Arab tradition but also influenced by different Mediterranean countries.

An own personality fruit of the marriage between classic and modern ideas. Fruit of a long path dyed of feelings, learnings, and experiences. The incorporation of a drums player, for example, shows their ability to enhance with a lot of different sources.

With Maktub, OAB invites us again to discover, to learn, to share... To let ourselves be carried by different emotions, cultures and languages that are also equal.
And the thing is that... everything was written.


"Báraka" - Orquestra Àrab de Barcelona