Nobuntu is an a-cappella group of five talented, professional young women from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Their repertoire is a fusion of traditional Zimbabwean rooted music, Gospel, Afro-Jazz and Crossover in pure voices with minimalistic percussion, traditional instruments such as Mbira and some dance movements. The group is a new generation of young women singers who celebrate and preserve their culture, beauty and heritage through art.
Nobuntu was formed on realizing the absence of an all female professional a-cappella group in Bulawayo and Zimbabwe as a whole. The ensemble's mission is the belief that music is the most important and original wheel of change, way of expression of a new generation of young women singers with the uniqueness to transcend racial, tribal, religious, gender and economic boundaries. Nobuntu celebrates through their songs and dance the identities of being an African woman. Their voices, energy and their breathtaking performance on stage is an experience that communicates with the human side of anyone. The name "Nobuntu" is an African concept that values Humbleness, Love, Purpose, Unity and Family from a Woman perspective.
Currently, the group comprises of Claire Dangarembwa, Heather Dube, Joyline Sibanda, Briget Siphiwe Dube and Duduzile Sibanda. The release of their debut 11 track album in 2013 titled THINA immediately took them to their first international tour in Europe in November the same year were the group played in Concert venues and Festivals mainly in Germany and Austria.