Donations distribution in schools and kinda gardens

Bams Rosso at « case des tout petit »
The kids of the kinda garden
Partners, children and staff members
The kids
The kids

Bamba Tall aka Bams Rosso founder and executive director of the international Hip Hop and urban cultures festival 2H Ci Rosso in images with the children of the kinda garden who received donations from our association.
It is usual during each edition of the festival for the association of young people for the cultural development of Rosso-Senegal to distribute donations in the schools and gardens of the city in order to better participate in a better support of education of these children who will be the adults of tomorrow.

Funds from the monthly contributions of association members added to those of our partner from France allowing us to distribute school tools to the little ones.

We don't just stop at that because Guisso Foutanke our graphic designer and graffiti writer takes that opportunity to introduce children to the visual arts among other drawings.

article posted by:Mouminy Ba, AJDCRS (Association of Youth for Cultural Development, Rosso Senegal)