"HAM-DYT" - GENDOS Gennady Chamzyryn

GENDOS Gennady Chamzyryn
  • artist:GENDOS Gennady Chamzyryn
  • region:Poland and Tuva
  • release year:2005
  • style(s):Ethnic, Experimental
  • country:Poland
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:AKT Kultura i Turystyka
  • label:LUNA Music
  • publisher:LUNA Music

Album „Ham Dyt” is collection of ten different compositions connected by Gendos artistic personality. There are some shaman pieces, some Tuvian songs and one improvising composition balancing between free jazz, contemporary music and Jimmy Hendrix fluent. Gendos used several traditional instruments. Doshpuloor – three strings guitar, chadagan – Chinese cithern, tim – pan Druid brass drum, jaws harp and dungur – the most important shaman drum decorated with mysterious flowers and rattles. He used archaic throat singing – khoomei.

Music of “Ham-Dyt” is little bit dreamy, lazy drifting through our imagination. Beautiful Tuvian compositions as “Ynak Avaj” alternate with trans as “Nar Sham” or magic as “Obaj – La – Tajgam” creating specific mixture from heart of Asia.

Gendos invited a few guests to record his album. NetLenka with her sensual and intriguing voice and beautiful kalyuka. Young Tanya Rechnaja with flute. Both from Moscow and Jędrzej Kuziela from Poland with percussions.