• country:Sweden
  • style(s):Greek, Mediterranean
  • artist posted by:Anaplous


Yannis Avramides, Hakan Vreskala, Marina Granlund, Konstantinos Delizisis, Christos Despoiniades, Anastasis Benetatos, Tellis Papadopoulos, Ann-Katrin Hendin.

In 1989, a few Greeks of the diaspora in Stockholm, with origins from the area of Pontos in Asia Minor, form Taximi, a music group who invites musicians from Sweden and Turkey living in Sweden. They play folk songs and tunes as well as rembetika from the coasts of Asia Minor and Smyrna. Furthermore, they perform music of contemporary Greek musicians (composers and lyric writers of the 20th c.). Their activities include the organization of interesting educational projects at schools.
Musical instruments: bouzouki, baglamas, tzouras, oud, lute, tambouras, percussion, violin, traditional clarinet, guitar, double bass, flute, accordion, piano.
Concerts: Sweden, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Finland.
Record publications: Taximi (1999), In the northern latitudes (2004).