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Line up

  • Andreikelos (Samplers, keyboards, Turntables & Lyrics)
  • Benjamin (Lyrics, Rap & Vocals)



...This may not be a proper way to express the biography of a rap group... but it might be...

It all begins in 1995. Three fellows, neighbors and friends from back in the days decided to start making their own music. It was that period that rap was spreading worldwide...In Keratsini the place where they dwell the social and economical circumstances were similar to those at NYC or Marseille as a result that this specific area was the destination of too many fugitives during 1940 to 1970....

Making songs the way they do nowadays was much beyond their expectations back then. In 1996 the group strengthens and is constructed clearer and their up to then experimentations stop as their musical forms start to appear. The group is named for first name as we know it now..."APOKALYPSIS"... just playing with the word and its meaning...a wordplay expressing the confusion caused from what we believe and what things really are.... In the year 1997 the group stars its first live shows and meetings with the audience and the world out there. The very first days of 1998 they record a demo tape including 4 songs that later on are found on their first album...

But before this they start a first rapprochement with the record companies. In the summer of the same year they sign a partnership contract with Ankh productions and a few days later the recordings of their first album began. The completion of the album "It was written" comes in October of 1998 and was released on the record stores in February of 1999 from Ankh productions...

In the period followed their live shows had become more often and their existence in the public is officially declared...

In the meantime the group accounts a member less... In April of 2000 Ankh productions renews the belief in the group and the recordings of their second album began... During the studio recordings that summer the group also takes part in many festivals around Greece with outstanding performances and highlight their show in Thessalonica International Expedition performing and excite more than 5,000 people that day... The recordings end at the December of the same year...and was released under the title "Samanthi" in November of 2001 by Ankh productions...

A few months later, the group's obligations have to step aside due to their members' almost parallel army national services. Although nothing prevented them to invest musically a part of a commercial campaign of the mobile phone services company TELESTET at mid 2002. At the beginning of the year 2003 the members completed their obligation to the army and they are back in making sounds, lyrics, in the same paths, in a way that guides nowhere else but forward... even if that ain't visible at first sight; it's there, it exists and it's not far away from revealing it self to you...

Listening closer to their songs, either via your stereo system, your radio or watching a live performance, they make you travel above all known and unknown seas of dream, clouds of time, islands of lost love and childhood but also they sink you in for a moment in the other side, showing you the real reefs of existence and the rocks of social paradoxes and unbalances... At the end if it exists you remain with the taste of how much realizable a chimera is in your every day routine, parallel to how much easy is for all to be vaporized "all around me, you, the sun and moon... is it the same? ...perhaps no"... any way their music is there where only if you won't stop and continue it will reach out for you and you'll discover it.