Yacine Belahcene

Yacine Belahcene


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Line up

  • Gabriel Fletcher (guitar)
  • Jose Luís Garrido (drums & machines)
  • Massinissa Aït-Ahmed (bass)
  • Yacine Belahcene  (voice)


Yacine Belahcene continues his way through music traveling between his two cultures, Algerian and Catalan, a way that he has long travelled…

Idurar begins its journey in the Atlas Mountains and reaches our coasts sailing through the Mediterranean claiming its musicality with no hang-ups and with sounds that resonate in the harbors of Algiers, Marseille, or Barcelona, far away but bathed by the same sea, fleeing from any stereotype or stigma built without any kind of keystone. Claiming the mix with no artificial deceits or hang-ups when singing in Catalan, in Amazigh or in Algerian Arabic that expand beyond folk and traditional indigenous music, with powerful electronic elements that bring it closer to urban music.