Bapi Das Baul has his new work to present

Bapi Das Baul
Indian dance
Bapi Das Baul live
some more percussions
feel the trance
the public
Baul Bishwa
Baul Bishwa
Baul Bishwa live
Baul Bishwa live



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An excellent new album for Mantrasense as well as for Baul Bishwa is waiting to be edited.
Who’ll be the editor? Maybe you?

If you are interested, please feel free to contact at
or 00.33 (0) 616 92 33 88.

Who is Bapi Das Baul actually?
Bapi Das Baul, son of Purna das and Manju Das Baul and grandson of the even more legendary Nabani Das Baul is representing the eighth generation of the most talented and famous Baul family from India.
Already in his early childhood, he was taught to sing, to dance and to play several instruments. In other words Bapi Das Baul was born and raised in music.

At a very young age, he started singing with his father and mother in the formation “Baul Bishwa” which means «the world of Bauls». Their concerts were invitations to discover their world, the world of ancient wandering minstrels from Bengal (India) who believe in simplicity in life and love. This philosophy is strongly reflected in their songs, that are all about love and joy.

These cultural roots have always been and always will be very important to him. He’s in other words very faithful to his traditions and roots which are also still nowadays very present in his music. He also keeps using traditional instruments on stage.
On the other hand however, he is also always seeking for new things and improvement.
He started for instance working mainly on the rhythm and a new way of singing which created a real evolution.

His music brought him everywhere around the world, in Europe in America, etc.
As he’s also been staying a long time in Europe already, he’s been working with many great artists like Asian Dub Foundation, Transglobal Underground, Fun-Da-Mental, Natacha Atlas, Zap Mama, Elisa Wout amongst many others.
Even Madonna was intrigued by his talent and invited him in 2001 to record something together.
All these experiences made him discover different kinds of music, styles and instruments.
Driven on one hand by his eternal will to renew things and on the other hand his concern to keep his traditions alive he started to combine these total different styles that at first side are completely opposites and impossible to put together. He however makes this combination sound naturally and in complete harmony. The amazing results you can discover while listening to his band Senses, which he founded in 1999.

With his band Senses he became a bridge between Indian and western music.

In the mean time he continued of course with Baul Bishwa. Since 1992 he became the leader of this project.
In India still nowadays Baul Bishwa is very much appreciated by the public who recognizes in Bapi a new generation, proud to perpetuate this living tradition.

His music whether it is Senses or Baul Bishwa, it attracts all generations even worldwide and is a friendly invitation to dance and enjoy from the beginning till the end of the show.

He always loved and still loves to share this culture and music with others. This love to share, you can feel strongly during his shows and makes it all more magic and real.

In other words talking about Bapi Das Baul is talking about a musician and performer one of a kind, who was not only born and raised in music but simply is music, who’s not only singing about love and joy but through his deep and sincere desire to share his music with everyone simply is love and joy.

article posted by:Bapi-Subhendu Das, Bapi Das Baul (Subhendu Das / Jagriti)
