Maryam Akhondy & Banu

Maryam Akhondy & Banu


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world-wide only all-female Iranian vocal-group - The
exceptional Iranian singer Mayiam Akhondy has studied
classical singing in Teheran with some of the most important
singers and also studied theatre-science. Because of the difficult
situation as a female aritiste she moved in the 80's to Cologne/
Germany. She leads two groups:
• Banu: the world-wide only all-female Iranian vocal-group
which sings traditional and very old Persian wo-men/folk-songs.
Contrary to the "normal" classic Iranian music, these songs are
full of energy and joy. Most of these songs have not been
publicly sung in Iran for several decades. Banu sings a-capella,
only using various percussion instruments.